Growing up I  always felt different, I was also treated different  and  unfortunately still as an adult  is treated differently, but now I  have the power to be my own person  my own advocate  and it is a very freeing feeling. All my life I felt  judged by the people who surrounded me,  some saw me as socially awkward,  some said I didn't have the heads space to go to college so trade school would have been a good choice for me. I have been called ugly and useless, with zero regard of how  emotionally and mentally  vile that was and how harmful it would become  to my state of mind. Growing up I don't think anyone around me had anything good to say for me or about me because if they did I never felt or heard it. All I felt was negativity and it got harder as I got older I was judged before before someone or anyone even took the time to know me.  I still don't believe my family knows me or know who I truly am, my likes or dislikes, I am way different from every member in my family. I love being different I embrace my difference because that makes me who I am; and I am at a point in my life where I am using those negativity that was ingrained in my mental psychic to be different to continue to be different. I am perfectly imperfect I make no apologies for who I am. I am kind, I am loving, I am giving, and I have the best heart.  I would give off myself everything I have but I don't think a lot of people took the time to know that about me. I have been judged, people formed their own opinion of me and how I think or how I should be but never asked me how I was or what I want to be. I  was criticized for being  antisocial,  I am not antisocial,  I  just didn't want to be a part of the hypocrisy , that's all. But as I said I am different I am embracing my difference and I make no apologies for who I am like it or not I am who I am and I will remain who I am. Know me before you judge me.  Walk in my shoes before decide who I am or should be.  I am me not you. Don't judge me or underestimate me. I  am  who I was meant to be. See me, get to know me,  and you will understand me. Not that I care anymore anyway, but you could try it wouldn't hurt.


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